Friday, January 23, 2004

A prophetic word

A secure [worldview] structure is, in biblical tradition, always open to deconstruction when it serves a self-protective community with a fortress mentality.

Biblical faith is clear on this. The secure home of covenantal life before the face of God is not for self-enclosed protection but for ministry. This home is characterized not by the locked doors of ideological fear but by the open and risky hospitality of a community that is open to the world because it confesses that Christ died for this world.

So says Brian Walsh, reflecting on the nature of worldviews. In another part:

"A community formed and continually reformed by a radically biblical worldview is secure enough in the power of love, reconciliation and grace - indeed, in the power of its Lord - that it dares to risk hospitality to people of other faiths, other worldviews, and dares to risk hospitality to ideas, issues and questions that might make members of the community uncomfortable."

This a profoundly important article if ever you have wondered about the clash between ideologies and life.

Too often, conservative Christians reduce the death of Christ to a matter of theological systems and personal deliverance. What they fail to do is die with him. Instead, they enthrone themselves as kings.

Hear ye all, ye who would be kings, of Jesus and his death. Repent!

(thanks to matt for the link)