Tuesday, February 24, 2004

The Triumph of Deceit (and the stupidity of society)

Once again, I am appalled and disgusted at the hypocricsy of the pinko lefto lesso femmo elements of the so-called 'intelligentsia' in Our Stupid Society. Mel Gibson finances and writes a movie about the passion of Christ. He's an ultra-orthodox Catholic - doesn't believe that Vatican II was a good thing etc. His father's got odd opinions about the holocaust (or lack thereof, in his view). But worst of all, of course, Mel's movie dares to make claims about history, and *gasp* the history of the execution of Jesus of Nazereth.

What pisses me off - and I'm speaking deliberately - is that there are so many people all up-in-arms (ably amplified by that Great Whore, the media) about Gibson's private beliefs, and what's even worse, those of his father.

Now, the philosophical division between 'public' and 'private' beliefs is a product of the Enlightenment, and would be incomprehensible to most societies throughout the vast, vast majority of history. It's only our Stupid Western Tradition that's been hoodwinked by rhetoric, to the point that virtually everybody in Our Stupid Society thinks that 'faith', no matter of what variety, is a 'personal' matter, and should not be 'imposed' upon others in a public sense. Most of all, of course, the State should be 'secular' and neutral with respect to any given faith. Each person should be free to chose their own private beliefs - you all know the drill. So great is the inculcation of this idiocy that even Christians frequently speak like this!

But now, the lie is being exposed, yet again. The division between private and public is of course a complete sham. The liberal democratic, secular humanist philosophy that underpins the workings of the State is of course a faith - one among many. It is pure and utter nonsense to suggest that somehow, the State's secularity is not a religious position. All they've done is changed their gods, called the position of the new gods secular, and said that 'secular' means 'supporting no particular faith'. And like idiots, we all nod bligthly and say approvingly, "uh-huh. yeah. yeah, we live in a secular society, and that means that the state doesn't support any particular religion." BULLSHIT, people.

Try being intolerant. Try suggesting that blacks should have fewer rights, because, culturally, they aren't as capable of responsibly exercising liberties as whites. Point to our jails as proof. Advocate slavery for those that can't rule themselves. Try saying, publically, that homosexuality is evil. Try saying it in public schools. Try saying that the Jews are conspiring to take over the world and that the halocaust is a lie. Try suggesting that women should be paid less than men to discourage their entry into the workforce. After all, they're fit by nature to be mothers. Try holding that men are not born equal and that some are fit to rule; others to serve. That's why the vote should be restricted to men, who have headship, and wealthy men at that, becasue they've proved that they merit responsibility. Try teaching that some cultures are de-humanising, that colonisation was a good thing because it spread a better way of life to the uncivilised, and that there's a good deal more to be done in that area yet. Try calling the Secreatry-General of the Unitied Nations a cheeky darkie. Try saying that there's only one God, YHWH, and that all institutions everywhere should be fit to reflect that. Don't worry, you'll soon find that religious fundamentalism is alive and well, and it's in the public sphere near you.

Want more proof? Mel Gibon's so-called private beliefs, and those of his father, for pete's sake, are under the spotlight precisely because the distinction between private beliefs and public consequences is a complete sham. Though they mouth the rhetoric, Gibson's interrogators and critics do not believe it. They know that what the people believe in their hearts will dictate the shape of society.

That's exactly why their first and greatest commandment is, "Thou shalt love our god, called 'secular', with all thy heart, soul, strength and mind." And the second is like it, "Thou shalt tolerate thy neighbour like thyself". On these two commandments hang all the laws and the democracies.

If people can be made to parrot this drivel like fools, then the room left by their secular gods will not be enough to allow others a threatening counter-claim to public rule.

And that is the point.