Tuesday, May 18, 2004

New Directions

This blog is going to take some new directions.

In response to the fundamental call to be light to the world, I'm going to start a new section that will consist of cultural problems & priestly answers. Hopefully, there will be many contributors to this, and perhaps it may be of some help to us as we live, move and have our being in Christ's kingdom.

In response to the need to develop stories within which we can live, the meshes of shared imaginative space that bind us together, I want to continue with theological reflection and interaction, as poorly as I know I do that. Scripture and its living tale is at the heart of all we are.

In response to my own need to be more responsible and diligent, I'm going to start a section on books read, being read, and reflections thereof. These too will hopefully spark discussion about the authors that can help us and who can add fruitfully to the conversation we share.

In many ways this blog began as 'my space', and I wrote for myself. Somehow, it's become, even if very modestly, part of more lives than mine. I'd like to see the best possible use made of that.