Monday, January 26, 2004

Bare-faced honesty

I am thinking of moving. I like

1. Sun
2. Biking
3. Friends & togetherness
4. Expansion, welcome
5. Being close to work
6. Self-determination

1. Sun: I like being in it, and being warm, especially in the afternoons and evenings. Not being in the sun when I want to be is depressing. My current flat loses the sun compleetly at about 3pm.
2. Biking: Now that I've fixed my bike, I want to be able to use it. My current flat is about 70 steps up from the road. Not bike-friendly.
3. Friends & togetherness: I am quite content just being around the people I love. For me, most of the point of experiencing something is that you do it with others. Man was not made to be alone, and I am very man. My current flat is composed of 4 strangers under 1 roof, and they're strangers because they belong to different people. I want to be with my people.
4. Expansion, welcome: I'd like to think 'my people' are good at welcoming others and making them belong. Hopefully our-way-of-life is healthy & trustworthy. But I'm sick of preaching welcome and not being able to do it. I want circumstances in which I can help do it.
5. Close to work: I like walking places & not having a car. I hate the thought of being inconveniently far from work.
6. Self-determination: An example will do. Say I want to cook something with spices in it; perhaps invite others over for dinner. If I can't build up a stock of good spices, then I can't cook good food, not share the experience. I want a place where I can.

All in all, I want my own house, preferably with others in it. But I can't afford that yet. What I can afford to do is move. I've only got one life, and I am not going to let it be less than it could be any longer.

So there's a room under Dave & Ange's flat in Petone. I think it's about the same price as mine ($85/wk). It's big, on the ground floor of a flat section, and it gets the afternoon sun. There's a huge big shared space in between the other rooms (that nobody else seems to use) with a great table that should be used for meals. Dave & Ange have already made their part of that building a great place to be. What could we do if I was there too?