Wednesday, February 25, 2004

Sex with kids is ok, says...

NAMBLA (North American Man Boy Love Association), among others. (I'm sure you all know how to search if you really want the link.) Mark Shea thinks quite strongly, here and here, that paedophilia will be the next great sexual tabboo to fall. He sees an exact application of the argument for homosexuality to consensual sex between adults and children. All that has to happen is that a child's right & ability to consent is recognised.

I'm inclined to agree with him. And I'm not inclined to think that the consent issue will hold back the tide, once the propaganda and rhetoric gets seriously cranked up. Children's 'right' to decide-for-themselves about entire frameworks for all of life (ie, all the various faiths, including atheism) is already well inculcated. Why leave sex out?

Nor will the cry of 'protect the children' suffice, as one of his readers points out. That's already been overthrown repeatedly, most notably in the case of divorce.

If anyone truly believes that we're very far off the pagan and decadent cultures of ancient Rome or Greece (and even they didn't kill the unborn), then think again. We're scarily close.