Sunday, March 14, 2004

false worship = false representation of God

false worship = hitting your wife (Christ loved his bride enough to die for her)
false worship = oppresion (YHWH is just)
false worship = slander, rage, malice and gossip (YHWH is love)
false worship = factions and divisions (YHWH reunites, making one body out of many)
false worship = divorce (YHWH is longsuffering and loves forever)
false worship = adultery (YHWH is faithful)
fasle worship = cruelty to animals and destruction of the creation (YHWH is a healer, restoring and rebuilding)
false worship = excluding children from Lord's Supper ("Suffer the little children to come unto me, for to such as these belongs the kingdom of heaven")

"Who are these who trample my courts?"

false worship does not equal hymns or drums or pictures of Christ