Thursday, June 24, 2004

Breach of all sorts of copyright:

As it is so good, I have shamelessly lifted this post straight from Barb -

Doug Wilson says, "But an abstract noun should never forget that in its abstract form it never does what it is talking about. "Love," as found in the dictionary, does not have a beloved. But love, in order to exist in the world, requires a beloved. This is another way of saying that love is a transitive verb. So is obey. So is believe."

Just as Cornelius Van Til said in commenting on John 6:22ff, "Here faith and works are identical. Not similar but identical. The work is faith; faith is work. ... Well now, you see faith alone is not alone. Faith is not alone. Faith always has an object. The faith, your act of believing, is pointed definitely to God in Jesus Christ, and by the regeneration of the Holy Spirit, and conversion, it’s all one..."


Find me the one in scripture who is allowed to say that the substance of his faith exists while the procedure of it (or form) does not.