My stomach twists
Messers Wilson and Jones write that homosexuality is God's curse on a culture led astray by the church. I am tempted to dismiss the analysis; but parts ring true. Other parts I am already deeply committed to. Not beyond changing my mind, but enough so that when I think of the parts I hesistate over, my guts end up in a knot.
They conclude, for instance, that -
"True repentance in the Church, not trust in civil coercion, will either restore that order or establish a different order. So we openly accept homosexual marriage in the civil realm as God's means of undermining that civil realm, and we accept that He has done this in judgment for wicked fathering within the Church."
This may be a fine recommendation, but the Lord have mercy! If boys like me grow up in today's society with homosexual marriage normalised, and homsexual values, tastes, fashions, and abilities celebrated, then many more will be trapped, as I would have been. We will become structurally bisexual - in every way saying, "it doesn't matter who you play with". Shall we openly accept homosexual marriage, then?
But God knows this, of course. He knows. What does this mean, though? It cannot be - it must not be - that we look at the homosexuality of people in such a society and say there go the cursed, the damned of God. Or is it? Is this God's will? I cannot accept that. Or should I? So how do we deal with the trapped, the hurting, in practice? I suppose that is what I want to ask Mr. Wilson, with heat - how do we deal with the product of God's curse??
Perhaps it is God at whom I am angry. But Wilson will do for a target, right now.
Rage. Inchoate.
Tears. The mockers arise and say, "where is your God?"
O Lord, glorify your Name; heal your people.
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